Arthur Y. Webb
Owner and Principal of the Arthur Webb Group, Ltd.

Arthur Webb has 50 years of experience in the field of health care and human services.
In the beginning of his career, he worked with drug addicts on the Lower Eastside of New York in 1971. Mr. Webb served for 18 years as a public official in New York State government as a senior executive or commissioner of several government agencies, including the State Division of Budget where he was responsible for the Medicaid budget; Executive Director of the State Health Planning Commission; Acting Commissioner of the Department of Social Services; Deputy Commissioner for Program Services for the State Department of Corrections; Commissioner of the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities (now OPWDD), and Executive Director of the Office of Substance Abuse Services (OASAS).
The Arthur Webb Group primarily focuses on the translation of public policy into best provider practices using innovative and strategic models for nonprofit leaders. Over the past ten years, Mr. Webb has also engaged in significant re-structuring efforts, bankruptcy filings, and mergers and acquisitions in the nonprofit arena.
A major interest of Mr. Webb has been building nonprofit provider collaboratives, for example, the Continuing Care Leadership Coalition; HIV/AIDS Coalition; Care Design of New York; the New York Integrated Network for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (NYIN), and the Alliance for Integrated Care of NY (a Medicare ACO). Among his many consulting roles, he also served as the Executive Director of NYIN.
As a provider, Mr. Webb was President and Chief Executive of Village Care of New York for 16 years. Village Care is an innovative, long-term care, nonprofit agency. He later served as the Chief Operating Officer of the former St. Vincent’s Catholic Medical Centers of New York where he was responsible for day-to-day operations and finally the closure of St. Vincent’s.
Mr. Webb has been Senior Health Advisor to national for-profit companies. He has collaborated with Prager & Co. LLC on developing the Prager-Webb Dashboard. Prager & Co. are financial advisors and investment bankers in the higher education and nonprofit social services fields. Prager & Co. and the Arthur Webb Group created a proprietary forecasting analytic tool to assess the financial soundness of health and human services providers.
Mr. Webb has served on numerous government advisory bodies including the Transformation Panel on Developmental Disabilities and the Special Advisory Council on Care Coordination from 2015-2018; Co-Chair of the North Country Healthcare Redesign Commission of the NYS Department of Health from 2013 to 2014, and the Medicaid Redesign Team, NYS Department of Health, in 2011.
He co-authored “Report: At the Brink of Transformation: Restructuring the Healthcare Delivery System in Brooklyn” and “Report of the Brooklyn Health Systems Redesign Work Group.” From 2010 to 2013 he was engaged with Fair Health, Inc. During this period, he was appointed by Fair Health, Inc., with approval from the New York State Office of the Attorney General, to monitor the 2009 settlement with UnitedHealthCare, Ingenix, and six other health insurers.
Mr. Webb sits on various nonprofit boards including AmidaCare, Inc. and Partners Health Plan (PHP). Both are specialized Medicaid managed care plans in New York.
Mr. Webb completed Ph.D. comprehensive written and oral exams in three fields of study: Health Policy, American Government, and Comparative Political Systems, in the Department of Politics, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, New York University, New York, 1971-1974.
Recent Honor: Essential Change Agent, 2020 National Honors, the National Historic Recognition Project, for significant contributions in the service of people with of intellectual and developmental disabilities in the United States between 2000 and 2020.